Sunday, December 12, 2010

Crafty Weekend

I had a very crafty weekend.  Saturday was my monthly Stampin’ Saturday.  It was the last month of my first stamping club.  I want to say thank you to Betty Jo, Loretta, Priscilla, Stephanie and Susan for making my first club a success.  I think we all had a lot of fun getting together each month.  Great news is that we’ve started another club for 2011!  Returning club members are Priscilla, Stephanie and Susan – thank you ladies!!  Our two new members are Greg and Dorian.  Yes!! Two guys!!  When I signed up as a Stampin’ Up demonstrator, I never thought I was going to be a “real” demonstrator.  I just signed up to get the product discounts for myself.  So more than a year later, here I am having workshops, clubs and a blog!  Who would have thought?  Anywho….

Sunday, Greg and Dorian came over and made their holiday cards… all 22 of them!  For someone that started stamping only two months ago, they did very very well!  Maybe Greg or Dorian will send me a picture of their card to post on my blog.

For tonight, my share is a card we made on Saturday.  I like how it’s simple but also blingy.  Hope you like it and have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are a "full service" demonstrator! I didn't know I could come to YOUR house to make my Christmas cards...LOL!

